Reserve your place at the next Self Love Club Hangs!

Self Love Club is a beautiful, safe community where you are encouraged to be you. Lucy will hold space for you to identify what has been holding you back through your life to date. 

As we step through the evening we will begin to unlock the belief systems and traumas that may have manifested in ill-health, procrastination, lack of abundance and toxic relationships to name a few.

In March 2020, due to the Global lockdown, Self Love Club Hangs were moved online to accommodate the inability to travel/ hold in person meetings.  Since then, these sessions have gone from strength to strength and have seen huge transformations for thousands around the World.

It is fair to say that our new, revamped programme that was run during 2021 unlocked many and has taken lives to a new level.  We remain in awe of how powerful the "Loving Your Younger Self" seminar was in November 2021! Just wow!  I feel we are all super grateful Lucy's guides encouraged her to run one more!

In 2022, we will be starting on a very special day.  We see the first event of the year on Lucy's Birthday 2-2!  We know how powerful the energy would be, without the extras of 2-2-22 and the birthday! 

We feel drawn to say, buckle up at this point!

Book your place for the first session of the year using the link below to celebrate with us!