Welcome to Soul School! 


Soul School was born through angel whispers back in October 2018, during a period of massive healing and transformation in Lucy's life.  The whispers of the Universe provided insights to something that was her destiny to create. 

She had no idea of the 'How', only the 'What' was provided.  From there, trust was required.  A level of trust never known before. 

The mission was to create a space for consciousness to come back online, to enable evolution and for people all around the World to feel safe doing so, in a beautiful, collaborative community, whilst going through the shifts.

 From that moment of inspiration, the task of creating abundance to bring the Soul Schools to life was given life.  

In 2020 the initial event was due to be run - however the universe had alternative ideas.  Then in 2022 it was go time!  

Soul School was officially launched! 


The Evolution of Soul School



In 2022 after one of the most challenging periods in people's lives, following lock down, the green light was given to go ahead with the first ever event, which was held in Bournemouth, UK.

The first event was beautiful, made even more so by being in Lucy's hometown, with a guest appearance from her very own Mumma Bear.  There were multiple speakers and the event went very smoothly. 

After the first event, we asked for feedback, so we could gauge what you were looking for, so the events evolved. 

Event two was a two day event held in Manchester.  The feedback from the first event was longer events, more Lucy time, more meditations, greater focus on consciousness, so that's what we did.  We shook it up and the shifts mirrored exactly that. 

Event three took place in November 2023, in Birmingham after the Online Soul School had to be cancelled due to Lucy's miscarriage.  By November she was back in full swing and took the 200+ strong audience on a journey they would not ever forget. 


Are YOU ready to experience Soul School 3 - ONLINE?



The Soul School 3 event in Birmingham, UK ended up being an extremely powerful one day event.  Off the back of it, the team asked me to consider sharing the footage as an ONLINE programme to create additional abundance to support the physical building of the Soul Schools, in the five locations around the World that were channeled.

After much consideration and many discussions, I agreed that this content could be sold for people to experience what unfolds at these events from the comfort of their own home.  

Obviously the hands on element is not there, however you will - if you go all in - undoubtably experience shifts within you that will, if you allow them, change your life. 

If you are ready to go all in, participate as if you were there, you can sign up for this trial offer price of just 


This price will be going up after an initial trial period, so please be quick and remember to let us know how you go! 

Trial Price ÂŁ44

Ready to hear what people felt about previous Soul Schools?



Guy Slater - Soul School 1

I was well out of my comfort zone, this is something I would never have done before with friends, let alone on my own, but something was driving me to come.  

Nerves disappeared once entering the room and I just felt at ease.  There was no feeling of prejudice, just a feeling of love.  

Maa - what a voice!

If anyone has any doubts, just go.  You will feel welcomed and loved.  

Thank you to everyone present for allowing me to share this magical experience with you all. 

Helena Storr - Soul School 1

Go and get your golden ticket to Soul School.  Lucy and team welcome you with open arms to come back home.  

It's a space to be honest with yourself and feel the beautiful magic happen with your soul family around you.  You will be ignited with knowledge, truth and self love to go on your own rocket.

In the words of Lucy 'Buckle up Babes'.

Kristiina & Louis - Soul School 1

When I heard about soul school I knew I had to be there. I was pulled, literally. We drove over from Spain and I would and will do it again in a heart beat. Words fail to express what Soul School is and does.

The feeling of love and happiness from even just waiting to get in was apparent. The energy once we walked through the door was even more love.

The open transformation we all went through as a group of strangers experiencing complete love in this protected and safe space is just mind blowing. I was lifted up to a higher space from which I will not come back down!

We both experienced many things that day in our own journeys but together we were united in a very special way. Healing is not a bed of roses but I cannot stop smiling even through the storms we live.

I want to live at Soul School. And I cannot wait for the next one.

Sarah & Hermione - Soul School 1

Thank you for an amazing day! I’m a bit speechless really. I don’t know how to describe the whole experience. I just know that from the time we entered the room until the time we left seemed like minutes! It went so quickly. We didn’t want it to end to be honest. Listening to you speak on Instagram is fab but in person you are something else. You can see you don’t even have to think about what you have to say because you just feel it! 
It was a room full of really beautiful souls, and all you guys made us feel safe so we could bring all the emotion forward and release it. 
After the meditation the lovely lady next to me turned and with tears running down her face reached over to me to ask if I was ok. She told me she hadn’t cried for years!
The world needs more of Soul school! Especially the younger generation, then maybe we would have less angry, frustrated and anxious children! 

Donna - Soul School 2

I honestly cannot thank you enough for everything. You are changing my family’s life one step at a time. I will be forever grateful i found your beautiful soul during COVID, you’ve helped us immensely. As a family we resonate with you and your story in sooo many ways.

My son has been struggling for a while with no direction, he has been through a lot in his life, but these last 3-4 months was starting to go off the rails (for him) After attending soul school in Bournemouth I knew I had to try and get him to come with me to experience it for himself.

And wow, I’m so glad I pestered him, he’s absolutely buzzing, said it was the best weekend of his life. He has had a huge shift and something has been ignited deep within him, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. He has some traumas/healing to do but for the first time in a long time has a vision/ path that he’s excited about. He’s still flying now and hasn’t stopped talking about it. There were 2 songs he really connected with and we listened to them on repeat all the way home, so thank you for that, I didn’t have to listen to his rap music on our journey home!!!! He has totally immersed himself in the soul school bubble and I’m so happy to see him so happy and excited about life again. He’s just gone off to football playing you are the universe.

I would also like to say a massive thank you to you and your team for holding space for both of us during our meditations. I was a complete mess and will never forget how safe and loved you all made me feel in that moment of pure overwhelm/sadness/anxiety, so that I was able to surrender whatever it was that I needed to release. Then also for helping **** let go and surrender some of his traumas.

My weekend was full of contrasts. It was extremely emotional. I felt overwhelmed with my personal experience and what came up,  it completely blindsided me to be fair but I felt pure happiness for being able to share such a beautiful  magical experience with my son and seeing the shifts and excitement in him. I went through so many highs and lows and still don’t have the answers. I expected to be feeling quite sad but the heart upgrade must have really healed something deep within, I didn’t have 1 tear during that meditation. It was just beautiful, so peaceful. I felt so much love and lighter after it and I didn’t think that would be possible with the way I felt during the morning meditation.

I will continue to journal and carry on connecting the dots and see what is revealed over the coming weeks.  I know that whatever happens is for me to move on with my life. My intention for the weekend was to totally surrender and I did.

The whole experience was perfectly magical and I’m struggling with saying that because of what was brought to my awareness, so not sure how this has manifested?  With some Lucy magic!!!! I absolutely loved it all and can’t wait for the next one. My only improvement would be for it to last longer but I don’t think it would ever be long enough!!!! The soul school bubble is pure magic.

Thank you so much for all that you and your team do, for being completely vulnerable and for sharing your incredible story with the world.

June - Soul School 2

I wanted to say a big heartfelt thank you to you and your team for Soul School. You all put so much effort into creating such a special event and you succeeded in creating an uplifting, super magical, massively healing event. The building was simply astonishing and a perfect compliment for what you intended to do.
The moment I saw the venue I knew it was going to be special but I had no idea just how special the weekend was going to be. I literally loved every single moment of it and everyone there was so very lovely and I felt blessed to be among such a wonderful group of people.
I had the most awesome experiences and healing shifts so I wanted to express my deep gratitude. Thank you for helping me move forward and thank you for helping everyone there. You and your team are astonishing humans and the work you do is so important.
I will definitely be looking forward to the next Soul School wherever that may be!
Tons of love to you and each of your team.

Karen - Soul School 3

 "The world needs more people like you . I really did enjoy the day so much and your mediations were so powerful and I did get a lot from them."

Lisa - Soul School 3

 "I had amazing shifts and forgave with love and had some fun with inner child. I'm writing this still buzzing and with hope in my heart that I am strong and capable of forgiveness of myself and others.

Fiona - Soul School 3

I just want to say a huge thank you for welcoming me to Soul School and giving me the time to help understand and process the meditation I found so difficult."