If you could have Lucy answer a question for you, what would it be? Here's you chance! Click Here

Sign Up for Lucy's FREE  Newsletter, The 'Weekly Woo'!

Each week Lucy compiles relevant information and updates on energy, consciousness, self-love and current hot topics. 

It’s time to peel back the layers, unlock your true potential and go after everything you desire for your future.

Are you ready to press pause on all of the noise in your head and get truly connected to your heart?


Let's jump right in!

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Are you ready to...


Unlock what has been holding you back? 

Manifest the relationship of your dreams? 

Create the financial abundance you deserve? 

Relinquish the dis-ease in your body? 


Unlock your voice?  


Recognise the guidance you are being handed?  


Have unlimited opportunities present themselves?  



If so, you are in the right place!

Book your FREE breakthrough call
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Lucy Davis

Hi, I’m Lucy, a Transformative Relationship Coach from England.

I have been lucky to be guided to the activation of the most incredible gifts this lifetime, that have led to my assisting thousands of people around the World to identifying their gifts within and their true potential.  Whether in person, online, a group or 1:1 setting, I intuitively guide you through the journey from living in your busy mind, to stepping naturally into your beautiful heart space, and on the way unlocking the voice you have suppressed for this lifetime.

I am here to guide you to your hearts desires in all areas, including life, soul purpose and love.



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Leading from the Heart

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Results Driven

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Soulful Service

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Authenticity & Honesty

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Openness & Truthfulness

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Universal Equality & Oneness

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Respect & Kindness

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Conscious Communication

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Power of Community

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"Lucy helps you find the true being that you are, not the watered-down version you believe you should be."



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"Absolutely so grateful to have found you and to be on a path I am truly meant to be on. I feel so frickin excited goosebumps body tingling omg!"







"I didn't even know what self love was until I met you at the age of 54!

I didn't have a clue, now I've much more confidence and happiness."


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"The world needs more people like you . I really did enjoy the day so much and your mediations were so powerful and I did get a lot from them."


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"Thank you from the bottom of my heart! During your powerful meditation I cried for the first time in years."



Want to work with Lucy?

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The 5 Day Breakthrough Experience

You are a busy person, you do not have much time, however you have an inner knowing there is more to life and you just need to be shown how… and FAST!

Welcome to The 5 Day Breakthrough Experience. 

Over the course of the 5 days you will receive content to watch/ listen to and will have a couple of written tasks to complete.  Up to 45 mins per day is required for this incredible breakthrough experience. 

Are you ready to change your life?


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The Mindset Experience

The Mindset Experience is for those who are seriously fed up of living in a continuous loop. If you are ready to press pause, even delete on the procrastination, toxic relationships and repeating the same old lessons over and over button, then you are in the perfect place.

Over the course of the 30 Days Mindset Experience, you will learn more about yourself than you ever realised was possible. The video content and supporting documents will unlock your patterns and stories to enable you to step up in to being who you were always intended to be. 

It’s time for you you know x

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Self Love Club Membership

Self Love Club Membership Community will take you on a 9 Month journey from living in your head, to your divine heart space, surrounded by an incredible, loving community. We will hold space for you to grow through all that has been limiting your progress in achieving your personal goals to date, whilst offering the tools to reprogram yourself for your success.

This exclusive membership programme opens once a year, on 2nd September for 72 hours ONLY!  If you would like to register your interest to be 1 of our 200 Exclusive Membership spaces, please fill in the form for a no obligation invite to our interactive webinar.


It's time for some Love...

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Book your FREE breakthrough call

Do you need clarity on the best option for you? If the answer is yes, please click on the below link to organise your 15 minute free breakthrough call with one of our team.