If you could understand the reasons you procrastinate, hold yourself back, make the decisions you do... or don’t...

Would you take the time to understand?



The Mindset Experience has been based on unpicking beliefs and behaviours that held the Founder back in many areas of her life, until 2014 when her physical body forced her to go inward and recognise the signs that she had been ignoring through the journey to date. 

Lucy truly believes you hold all of the wisdom within, so The Mindset Experience has been created as a reminder for your beautiful mind, body and soul to be reignited and connect to your truth.

Introducing Lucy


Are you REALLY ready?

To identify what’s been holding you back through the years? 

To get re-ignited with what makes you happy? 

To gain confidence you are doing the right thing? 

Understand how powerful you are? 

Learn how to create momentum? 

How to become consistent?  



Lucy has got you...

No matter where you are in your life, or what area of your mindset requires tweaking, Lucy will be by your side through the inevitable breakthroughs you will experience.  Our own “Queen of Consistency” will show you exactly what is possible and provide you with everything you need to succeed.

We will support you along the journey to identifying and achieving your personal goals by unlocking the patterns you may not even recognise you have today.


It can be a lonely place as we step through change so we have created a beautiful, safe, loving community to support your journey, where everyone wishes to see you win, whatever that looks like to you.

You will very quickly meet your people and realise that sometimes a little support from people who do not know you (initially) can give you all the confidence you need to step in to who you always wanted to be.

We have people from all around the World in our community on hand to make this journey the most incredible journey stepping out of your head and in to your heart.

I'm in!

What's included in The Mindset Experience?

Be ready to be blown away!

Awareness of your WHY, turning it in to your WOW, in approximately 30-45 minutes investment of your time each day for 30 days.

30 Days Video Content

10 – 20 minutes of video content each day designed to awaken your potential.

Supporting Documents

One or two supporting documents per day to support the video content.

Facebook Group

Lifetime access to an incredible, safe, community surrounded by likeminded souls where Lucy goes Live at least once a week.



Imagine being so aware of yourself, you catch yourself before you repeat self-sabotaging patterns.

Improved Health

Unlocking the sickness or disease that has been residing in your body due to unresolved emotional trauma.

Renewed Relationships

Being surrounded by the most incredible community in the World, who want to see you win.


Being surrounded by the most incredible community in the World, who want to see you win.

Spiritual Awakening

Connecting to your flow and allowing your true self to shine.

Loving Yourself

Loving that person who looks back at you in the mirror, without judgement, every time.

The Mindset Experience Sign Up

Click here today to sign up for 30 days of video content and supporting documentation to realign your mindset to where you need it to be.

The 30 Day Mindset Experience

£77.77 GBP

Working with Lucy

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